Monday, March 19, 2018

My Hobby Is My Safe Space

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

Before we hop into today's subject, lemme just say....sumpthin' nice.
It could happen.
Ok that's not fair - this is actually a 'nice' post - but anyway...lemme just say...

*This, too, could happen*

Well, now.
I hafta say that this is nice.
Having my own lil' place, I mean.
On one tentacle, it's real cool that at any moment, I can have a thought (it could happen), and take to the keyboard if I wish.
On the other tentacle, welp...Ok, I currently have an Alert on my Android Smartphone from Google that sez, 'Account Action Required Immediately,' cuz I had a whole issue with the blog originally having a different name, and I created a Twitter handle and a GMail account all with the same name...
Then I found out that name was in use elsewhere. Somewhere obscure, and likely no one would ever have known had I just rolled with it, but whatever. 
I would've known.

So I went to change everything, and apparently that's causing some confoosion in da GoogleSphere, and I've gotta work that out.
I've also gotta spend some time polishing the place up; backgrounds, themes an' whatnot...
I'm not worried about anybody finding the place just yet. I'd like it to be lookin' minty and for there to be a nice backlog of posts for anyone new finding the place to dig into.
I know whenever I find something new on da interwebs, I'll spend hours, days, weeks even, devouring the backlog of an author, a YouTuber, a blogger, a TV show, y'all know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
There's some work to be done, but I'm cool with it.
I really do owe that crazy guy G, big time.
This was a good, fun idea.
When I'm ready, I'll figure out how to manipulate da Googles, and I'll start trying to get the word out there.
For now, it's quiet and nice.
Kinda safe space.
If, uh...somehow you stumbled in here, you're welcome, of course.

*Ignore the tentacles. And anything...oozy. It's prolly safe. Prolly*

Now don't get it twisted - I don't need protecting from...opinions, thoughts or ideas I don't like. There's no words or funny green frog avatars I'm afraid of. I'm not still bitter about any particular election that might have happened well over a year ago now.
In other words, I don't need a 'Safe Space' in the classic sense of the word.

This hobby is my Safe Space.
Y'see...I'm not like, some sorta 'normal' dude.
I'm weird.
I'm sooper hyper-active, and prolly 'spastic' is a better descriptor. I'm always running off at da mouf.
I have a terrible tendency to find virtually anything funny. Funny to the point where I get stuck on it, and I won't shut up about it all day.
When there's a small group of guys, the one dude all the others are hissing 'shut up' at alla time is gonna be me.
I'm a knucklehead.
I'm also convinced I'm some sorta weird Xeno life form, complete with tentacles, stalk-mounted-occular-appendages and a quite potent disintegrator gun that I, uh...left lyin' around here somewhere, I swear.
Nowadays I s'pose it's fair to say I 'identify' as a Xeno.
 Whatever. I live in the Bronx, New York City and it wouldn't be the strangest thing the cops have ever heard if and when they ever arrest me for Disintegrating some fool.

*I know it seems remarkably life-like, officer, and it's filled with human DNA from that Missing Persons Case, but believe me - it's just graffitti. Like, y'know - street art. THIS IS XENO DISCRIMINATION!!!*

After surviving a lil' 'rough patch' in life, where I lost someone close to me, ended up walking outta the apartment we shared together with the shirt on my back and my dog (I wasn't right in my head, trust), and followed that up with a lengthy period of addiction and homelessness, I eventually pulled myself back together and...
...found myself casting about for something to do with my life that wasn't my job.
I actually think a lotta guys make that mistake - let their job take up way too much of their lives, and I didn't wanna be one of those guys. At a bar on a Tuesday night, bitching about the boss. Coming to work every day no matter what, bringing work home with me...
No thank you.

Finding Warhamer 40k probably has a lot to do with me still being here - Lord knows where I would've ended up after a few too many nights of being sober and having too much time on my hands. Everywhere I went, strangers accepted me for who I was there and then.
They didn't care about my past - we had this great thing in common that like, immediately made us friends.
Immediately gave us common ground, despite any other differences we might have.
I could meet someone I don't even share a language with, and we could play 40k.
That's friggin' amazing.

*Ok, in all fairness, there's a couple lil' things we might get hung up on*

As I grew into 'geek culture,' finding everything from Anime to LARPing to be just my kind of insanity, I developed a love for this...thing, this whole thing, that filled all those dark, empty holes I had in my life.

My whole life, I never quite fit in. I got by, don't get me wrong, but it ain't easy being a skinny white boy comin' up in the Bronx. It ain't easy comin' up poor, which is why I got wrapped up in the bad things I got wrapped up in, and that all ended badly anyhow.
I never got rich. I almost got dead, several times, but not rich.
I'm pretty sure that, for more than a decade of my life, I didn't even know what 'happiness' was.
Then I bought my first 40k model...and all that changed.

I remember shaking hands with my first 'random' opponent in a game store, with my first badly painted army on the table in front of me. I was so proud...
Boy did I ever get stomped out.
I still play games with that guy, to this day.

The great thing about being a member of this community is that all of us are here for the same thing- the games, the movies, the comics, the collectables, the latest shiny...
Whatever 'weirdness' you suffer from, or think you suffer from, or whatever - that doesn't matter one jot to the person across the games table from you, from the person two seats down in the theater.
We are one, here.
Join us.

*This came up in the image search for 'join us.' How could I not go with this?*

When I'm across from another gamer at a games table, I don't care what that gamer thinks about this political issue or that political issue. We're gaming, dammit - leave that nonsense outside. And if you're the kinda person who won't play a game with someone cuz they have a hat on you don't like - then you don't belong in this community at all.
No one here is gonna think you're 'special' because of some completely incidental thing no one can control - the color of their skin, the person they sleep with, meow meow meow.
None of that will make me dislike you...I'm a gamer, and a most gamers are...

Now if you play Beakies-In-Robes, that's another issue altogether. I dunno if I wanna be seen hanging out wif a Heretic.

Until Next Time, Folks - Have  a very xenos day!
- SinSynn

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