Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trigger Warning

Hey, folks. SinSynn here.

 Welcome to The Tentacle Funhouse!

A blog dedicated to the discussion of all things geek culture (with a focus on gaming), from a Politically Incorrect point of view.
This post will serve as your official 'Trigger Warning.'
You won't receive any others.
We're going to be discussing Identity Politics here, and for some folks, that can be distressing.
Brace yo'selves.

*Did I use the wrong image? Oh gawd. I did, didn't I? My first image on my first post, and I screw it up. Sigh*

Welcome to the first official post on my first official blog thingy. 
Yay for me. 
I done did it, after much tentacle-wringing and bleating about the potential difficulties and inherent dangers of a creature like myself tinkering with the secret, inner workings of the vast, mysterious interwebs.
Like, nothing good could come of that, says I. I'm positive I'm already on a handful of watchlists compiled by shady governmental types.
I deny everything. I haz no idea how my cat managed to search 'Tentacle Bondage Porn' on da Googles, but I know it was him. He is a cat, after all, and cats aren't to be trusted.
So yeah, anyway. Like I was sayin.'
I was mildly cyber-bullied into starting this blog by another blogger, who shall remain nameless (but only cuz I figger he might not wanna be associated with this nonsense), who basically shouted me out as I was complaining that the lil' FaceBook 'What's on your mind?' box is just a really awkward format for me to write full-length blog posts in.
Since I was a blogger back in the day, I just never got the knack of expressing an opinion in less than a billion or so words...kinda like now, so...
What's all this about, then?

*I saw this guy's movie. It was da awesome. All my thumbs up*

I'm here to tell you that we, as gamers, need to prevent the infection that is Identity Politics, Social Justice, and all of that associated nonsense from spreading any further into 'Geek Culture,' our culture, than it already has.
It's basically a political ideology that seems to consume all the humans that become enamored of it. Suddenly everything in the world hasta conform to this ideology. Nothing can just exist; a musician can't just make an album; they need to use that platform to spread this ideology. Every movie and serial-type TV show is scrutinized, to ensure it meets the ever-evolving, ever-growing checklist of politically correct acceptance.

Quality matters less than quotas.

Diversity has taken priority over talent.
Little things like 'fun' have to take a back seat to 'representation.'
And heaven forbid you don't stick to the script, or maybe the script is just...too awkward for the truth to be accepted. Like, say...the lack of 'diversity' among various groups of humans separated by distance or geography during certain times in history.

*And if you don't comply with the demands, you find a bunch of gaming websites awkwardly trying to explain why a game they demanded everyone boycott sells a half a million copies on Steam in it's first week*

When the truth becomes unacceptable, and reality is eschewed in favor of political correctness, people hafta step in and say 'Whoa. That's enough now. It's getting embarrassing.'

*Go home, Call of Duty. You're drunk*

Welp, we've reached the point where it's embarrassing now.
More than embarrassing, it's practically destroyed the comics industry, badly hurt the Star Wars franchise, and done ridiculous amounts of damage to the videogame industry.

Imagine you're a seven year old kid, all strung out on sugary snacks and soda, hyped as heck coming out of the latest Avengers movie. You beg, you whine, you swear you can feel yourself dying right there, at that very moment. Only a trip to a comic book store can save you from imminent, dramatic doom.
Your parents acquiesce, cuz hey - comics is reading and reading can't be all bad. Dad read some comics back in his day, and there's a place not too far...Your seven year old head nearly explodes with excitement.
But then you get to the comic book store.

'Iron Man!' you squeal. Tony Stark - he's just so cool.
Oh, sorry...Iron Man isn't Tony Stark any more. In fact, 'Iron Man' is sorta gone, and 'Iron Heart' is a thing, cuz a fifteen year old black girl wears the suit now, and, uh...Tony Stark is a Jarvis-like hologram.
Well, that's...weird, but being as cranked up on candy and eye-melting Marvel 'splosions as you are, you are undetterred.
'Ok, Thor, then! He's mighty!'
Whoops. Well, sure - Thor was mighty, but then it turned out...not so much, and he was deemed unworthy to wield his special hammer, but hey - it's ok. His girlfriend Jane Foster found it lying around and now she's Thor. Cuz...y'know. The hammer an' all...
Seven year old you isn't about to give up. You just saw an Avengers movie, gosh-darnit, and you want a comic book with one of those characters in it. Like in the movies. Seven year old you has already seen like a dozen of them, and they're basically your reason for living at that point in your life. It doesn't seem unreasonable for there to be a comic book here that features those characters.
It seems like a no-brainer, in fact...a seven year old understands that much about marketing, even.
Seven, fer cryin' out loud. You could care less about Identity Politics.
Nevertheless, you're about to be introduced to them. You continue to throw out names...
Captain America?
Well, he's down with Hydra now.
Spider Man?
Oh! We've still got Spider Man!
Really? Yay!
Uh, except he's not Peter Parker any more. He's a 'LatinX' kid  now. Oh, and before you ask about the Hulk, he's not Bruce Banner any more, either. He's an Asian guy now.
Oh, great - now a seven year old is disappointed and confused, and a potential life-long comic book fan and customer is lost.
And he hasta have the stupidity that is modern day identity politics explained to him.

*It's not like the Social Justice types haven't tried to create their own characters - they have. Go look up 'Mercy.' There have been others- like the currently running 'Faith,' which has a morbidly obese female protagonist. The thing is, they just don't sell. So they're forced to co-opt successful characters and change them to suit their ideology. Needless to say, this has gone over very, very badly, and Marvel recently announced they were cleaning house. There was much lamenting among the progressive types. The same people that demand these changes never turn up to support the products they forced these changes upon, it seems. Marvel is trying to pull itself out of the toilet right now*

I shouldn't hafta bring up an old event like Gamergate, but I'd ask you to try this exercise:
- Are you a gamer? If so, then you can include yourself in this test.
If you're not a gamer, aren't friends with any gamers, or have a 'thing' against gamers, then you can't take this test. Sorry. But feel free to keep reading, anyhow...
- Think of all the gamers you know.
What kind of people are they? Are they like, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynist, etc, etc, online harasser type of person?

Seriously now.
Gamergate was sorta the event that kicked off the whole 'Social Justice Invasion' that is now eroding so much of modern geek culture.
And ya see, the thing is...This is my culture.
I'm sorry, but I'm here to do whatever I can to stop this kind of stupidity from spreading any further.
That's why I'm here,
That's my mission.

I'm gonna stop here for now.
There will be more to come, lots more. Trust.
I just wanted to say 'hi,' and let y'all know what we're about here.
So, 'HI!'
Welcome to the first episode of Politically Incorrect Gaming.
This was your introduction, and your trigger warning.
Prepare yourselves...

Until next time, folks-  Have a very Xenos Day!
- SinSynn


  1. At long last I have been reunited under the banner of a rational, albiet xenos, mind.

    I have been warned. I accept your disclaimer and feed it to the sheep. Cuz that's what sheep do... eat anything, sleep, follow mindlessly,
    and poop. Nit necessarily in that order.

    As a first post I give it seven teeth outta ten. Yes, rats use teeth as currency like orks and as a rating scale on occasion. We shamelessly stole this from the
    Orks, you can't prove it, we'll deny it, and were getting a lawyer.

    We do wonder if OJ's is available?

    Once I get back into the swing of commentary I will adjust the rating scale.

    A limburger on a sharp comes to mind, or was it a Faith Hill on the Gol Gadot to Kairlin Jenner scale ... I forget.

    For now I leave you with this...

    Welcome back my friend. Enjoy!

    - Splinter -

  2. Heya Splinter.
    Nice to see ya.
    I actually stopped this post a little short, since I know I have a habit of going on and on and I wanted to avoid that and just focus on the base message.
    In the next post we'll delve into more details and specifics.

    In the meantime, I have some work to do freshening up the place. I wanna add a sub-header that reads 'politically incorrect gaming,' and I wanna see if I can tone down the brightness of the white lettering on the black background cuz some people don't particularly like it and I aims to please.
    Thanks for reading, and for being my first official comment.
    Hold on to the rails, my brother.
    This ride is gonna get a little crazy, since I no longer have a 'minder' of any sort.

  3. Always.
    The first few posts will just be 'introduction' type thingies, since I think it's a good idea to establish what we're all about here at the Tentacle Funhouse (Well, I mean, the words 'tentacle' and 'fun' are in the title, so...), but after the setup is established, then the real fun can begin.
    Thanks for stopping by, kiddo.
    Don't be a stranger!

  4. Nice first article. Hopefully it's the first of many.

    1. Gotta give you Thanks, man.
      It's kinda a pain in the butt, but it's coming together.
      It'll take a bunch of fine tuning, but hopefully it'll look, like...professional one day.
      Thanks for everything, dogz.
